YHN, for short, is a Personal Nonprofit Website, that helps market and promotes Smaller Entrepreneurship? If You, use our Website, You, support Independent Learning, and Freedom of Speech? Our Website, is a World News Medium, which supports Personal Affiliation, and countless Content Providers? For-us, Money Earned, is a Commission? Plus, by offering The News Online, it's very important that People, know what's happening globally, and, from Trustworthy Sources.
Our Website, allows Anybody, The Ability, to Surf, and freely, and without any Secret Malicious Software, or Spyware, to worry about. Not many Websites, do this?
All Websites, suggested, are put through a few Online Checks, before any Sites, get added? This, ensures every User, of our Site, can be assured, for safer surfing online. However, this, doesn't mean any Website's Home, or Index Page, can't be changed or switched, once accepted, by The Content Provider(s)? Therefore, by saying this, The "Troubling Issues" wouldn't be, The Fault, of YHN? Unfortunately, this, would be The Content Provider(s)?